The formulation of PEOs for B.Sc. Electrical Engineering program was based on the Vision, Mission of the department. The PEOs were designed to address the requirements and expectations of various stakeholders. The PEOs are organized in such a way so that PLOs can be mapped according to the College vision, mission, and employers’ requirements. The PEOs described the expected accomplishments of graduates after four years of graduation. The achievement of PEOs will directly ensure the achievement of the vision and mission of the College and the Faculty as well as the requirements of stakeholders.
At the completion of four years B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Degree Program, graduates will be able to:
PEO-1: Market-oriented, conversant and technically sound electrical engineers.
PEO-2: Innovative electrical engineer committed to working on entrepreneurial ideas with strong communication skills.
PEO-3: Ethically and environmentally contributing positively to the engineering community & society.
PEO-4: Capable of working as an effective team leader as well as a member with strong project management skills and inclination towards lifelong learning.
Alignment of PEO’s with College’s Vision and Mission
College Vision & Mission | PEO-1 | PEO-2 | PEO-3 | PEO-4 | |
Vision | To become a world –class institution that contributes significantly to the development of national economy by becoming a center of excellence to generate new knowledge. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Mission | 1- To offer an educational experience wherein:
a. The students are delivered knowledge to fulfill local demand following the international standards. b. The students are groomed to develop their personality. c. The students are provided opportunities through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to discover their hidden creative potential. 2- To train students in solving local and national problems requiring knowledge based solutions. |
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Alignment of PEO’s with Department Vision and Mission
Department Vision & Mission | PEO-1 | PEO-2 | PEO-3 | PEO-4 | |
Vision | To build identity of excellence in Electrical engineering domain at intersection of academia and industry. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Mission | a) To produce Electrical Engineering graduates equipped with state-of-the-art knowledge.
b) Students are introduced to national needs and problems related to Electrical Engineering with a view to prepare them as future problems solvers. c) The students are taught ethics, management and economics to train them as professional Electrical Engineers and decision makers. d) To train the students to solve complex engineering problem and perform open-ended labs which shell prepare them to solve real life problems.
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